Thursdays, 7.30-9.00pm
Makers’ Yard, Frome

Join Us

Utterance is open to everyone. You don’t need to audition, or have any particular experience. If you enjoy singing and want to try something different, please come along.

Verity sometimes has to pause session while she’s away working on projects, but we try to keep this website up-to-date - and we have a whatsapp group for sending announcements.


Current Dates

Spring 2024:

Currently on a short break, as Verity is away on tour.
Sessions will start again from 20th June.


Makers’ Yard

37 Lower Keyford, Frome, BA11 4AR

Makers’ Yard is an artist studio and event space based in a Victorian tannery in the Keyford area, a short distance from the centre of Frome. Wherever possible, we’d like to encourage people to travel by foot or bike. There is on-street parking available nearby, and we will try to help arrange lift-sharing if necessary.



The event space at Makers’ Yard has step-free entrances (there is a small lip in the doorway) and accessible toilet facilities.

If there is anything we can do to help make the choir accessible to you, please contact Tom on


The space at Makers’ Yard has large doors we can open for ventilation. If the situation changes we will postpone sessions or make new arrangements.